Tuesday, June 16, 2020

How to Create a Winning Medical School Personal Statement

Due to a death in the family, the  How to Create a Winning Med School Personal Statement  webinar was postponed to Wednesday, May 8th. The webinar will provide you with a strategic approach towards your med school personal statement. Join us live to get the answers to all your personal statement questions including the common: How can I write about myself without sounding like I’m bragging? How can I stand out when I have similar experiences to my premed classmates? Take an hour out of your day and learn how to write a winning personal statement. Join us for How to Create a Winning Med School Personal Statement on Wednesday May 8 at 3pm PT/6pm ET– and put your best foot forward this application season. Don’t miss it! Register for the webinar: hbspt.forms.create({ portalId: "58291", formId: "1415b1fc-af23-45e0-b4ea-7c5450b6066e" }); For 25 years, Accepted has helped applicants gain acceptance to their dream healthcare programs. Our outstanding team of admissions consultants features former admissions directors, admissions committee members, pre-health advisors, postbac program directors, and doctors. Our staff has guided applicants to acceptance at allopathic (MD) and osteopathic (DO) medical schools, residencies and fellowships, dental school, veterinarian school, and physician assistant programs at top schools such as Harvard, Stanford, Penn, UCSF, Johns Hopkins, Columbia, and many more.  Want an admissions expert  to help you get Accepted? Click here to get in touch!

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